The*****TSI LINE*****is burning


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Hello if u know my name from the other big forum you will be able to confirm my new system has profited 6 stright days/nights.

Why am I telling you about this? I dont know to be honest with you however, I cannot bet right now and its driving me crazy so Im hoping that you guys can win the money I cant right now.

example: taken from my post 6 nights ago

ok example

purdue vs mich state

Purdue avg 63 ppg
mich state avg 89 ppg

the avg = 152

the o/u on game was 136

if the posted total is lower than the teams combined average ppg than take the under

result 71-64 (135) winner

Example 2

BGreen avg 72 ppg
Ballst avg 67 ppg

teams combined avg is 139

the posted total was 141

Take the over

result 86-62 winner

Anytime a posted total is higher than the teams combined avg then Take the over

example 3

etenn avg 72 ppg
ncgreen avg 67 ppg

combined total is 139

the posted total was 150

the play is the over

The result was

79-76 OVER

example 4

northern Iowa avg 74 PPG
SMS avg 71

combined avg is 145
the posted total was 135

Take the under


62-53 (115) winner!!

Here is a loser for ya

also worked for pitt st johns

forget it the rest but i think only 2 lost the rest won or had no line

I have been tracking this system for three days and has an amazing rate of success

* do some of these lose? obviously however right now the guys at the other place are riding a 6 night winning streak

* Ask yourself what a dumb bettor would do

"oh look Michagan St. avg 89 a game and Purdue avg 63!!!

duh they will score wayyyyyyy over 136 combined.!!

* the bottom line is "If we knew what vegas does then we would put them out of bussiness BET WITH THE BOOK NOT AGAINST IT"

Now look at tonight's ncaa 4 posted games 3 winners following the system.

The only loss was by 3 measly pts (nc State)

Have fun go with it and please post here when u win. I love winning people money altho Icant.

(knowing my freakin luck Ill get beat bad tommorrow)

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Good luck with that, however I'll maintain that the only way to win consistently is through in depth capping, checking to make sure that the public isnt all over your side with a line move in the opposite direction, and then being selective about what you bet. And that little thing we call MM.

New member
Dec 27, 2004
OK here they com the 20 games test ill post 3 at a time. Good luck everyone if u decide too play and,seriously just let me know your on it. Becuase even tho currently I cant bet these I follow these game very closly. I want all of you to win the money I cant. Ok here goes it,

syr/rut 135.5 PLAY THE UNDER (8)
okla/oklast 134 PLAY THE UNDER (23)
wichSt/niowa 139 PLAY THE UNDER (10)

New member
Dec 27, 2004
Airforce/utah 114 PLAY THE UNDER (17) (milkman that game is an absolute no play)
SEINA/stp 155 PLAY THE OVER (11)
Sep 20, 2004
hey man....I find this very interesting. could you post the previous results and have you looked at what are the strongest plays? For example...of the plays posted for monday okst/ok would seem like the strongest play as the line is off those teams season's averages by 23 points.

Sep 20, 2004
also do you the teams season averages or do you break it down to the team's road average vs the home team average?

New member
Dec 27, 2004
rutgers loser

siena loser
wich st. winner
iona winner

pending okst and utah games

I havent kept a record however I have profited 6 straight nights without question and yes oklahoma state was the strongest play of the night

49 pts by half looks good

New member
Dec 27, 2004
UConn/WV Under 137
Xavier/GW Under 146
Illi/Wisc Under 135
Georg/Flor Under 138
STJohns/GT Under 127
Kansas/Baylor Under 135
TexTech/Texas Under 145
Kent/Tenn Under 134.5
all unders if u play them all U will show a profit
Sep 20, 2004
you should list how far the line is off combined to the season scoring average of both teams. right now I have wis/ill and tt/tx as the strongest plays.

good job finding this and hopefully it stays on the positive side.

New member
Dec 27, 2004
ST johns=winner

4-2 so far

Pending Ill/wisc
texas/ texas tech

New member
Dec 27, 2004
un ******* believable a potential 6-2 night turns into losing some juice

ok ok its not the end of the world

im not changing anything I have a guy backtesting this system and he emailed me and said it is hitting at 58% I would think thats good enough!

but go head throw me your punches and jabs Im here and i can take it

that texas game was a bunch of **** all those damn threes

New member
Oct 4, 2004
Dudue u pushed on a day.. that's totally fine. I had Ill under also and it didint go through by 1.5 points which sucks. It happens, good luck to you tomorrow.

New member
Dec 27, 2004
thanks coconut but I take great pride in giving out winners
'it kills me to see it lose. Well 7 straight nights it profited that why i brough it here. To those interested I have a guy using a program that is backtesting this and said that over 5 years so far it is hitting at 55%!

hey it not amazing but its pretty damn good. good luck to u too

New member
Oct 4, 2004
Keep doing your thing bro, 58% is great. There aren't many systems that will hit 65% year in year out, but as of now your system looks solid. Don't get discuraged you will have your sweep days and you will have your losing days. Just keep on posting your plays because your only doing us a favor which is a good thing.


Nov 20, 2004
Hey Ragingstorm,
are you new to gambling or smokin crack? Your pot of gold system that you think you have come up with has so many flaws in it, i wouldnt know where to begin. You must have no concept whatso ever at how lines are made or by who. The guys that set these lines use more stats and have more powerful computer programs then you could ever dream of. Do you really believe that the oddmakers see that teams are averaging 145 points combined a game, but say to themselves let make the line 135 and trick the bettors? wake up dude, before you go broke using something as silly as this. Theres reasons why they make it 135 and not 145. One example is you cant rely on averages because lets just say there was some players playing in the previous games which contributing to make the 145 average and maybe now they arent playing. So in just this one example you would have to know the exact lineups that were used to create the 145 average. I doubt you do this.
So this is just one reason you can throw averages right out the window.
also look at your system 90 percent of your plays are under plays, why do you think that is? Theres so many reasons i couldnt even begin to explain it to you. Truth is and am not trying to be mean or anything but i have been gambling for over 25 years and there just isnt any magical system out there, if there was the books would be broke. They dont keep building all those casino's because people are winning. I just dont like to see people tout something that could really hurt people who dont know any better and might gamble over their head because they think they have struck the motherload of all systems.
I have been there before. The real idea behind these forums is to help people from making mistakes.
Also another factor why you are seeing totals that dont match what the actual lines are, is because teams average points have been made playing non conference teams, which usually means higher scoring, now teams are playing conference foes, which usually means more defense, hence the lower numbers that dont matchup with the averages.
Winning comes down to good money management, good line value, injuries, some stats and mostly alot of luck to be on the right side.
I hope this helps you and you dont take it as a bash towards you,cause its really not meant to be.

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